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Safaris Entebbe

The gateway for all Ugandan safaris is Entebbe

This is a unique safari compared to all the other tours/safaris that have been conducted in Uganda. This is more of a city tour/trip unlike the rest because they are being and always conducted from dissimilar protected areas. Uganda Safari Entebbe is more of a city tour/safari that offers you plenty of view and spot especially the interesting things about the pearl of Africa like the Beaches in this place, the existence of the Entebbe International Airport and so many more other stunning places. This safari (Uganda Safari Entebbe) is one of the cheapest and reasonable safari one can ever engage in, in terms of distance and the costs you incur. There are several activities well outlined in this Safari like Boat cruise, Bird watching, tour to the Reptile village, Chimpanzee spotting in Ngamba Island Sanctuary, a visit to the Uganda Education centre, etc.

Entebbe city is characterized with the following, it is a headland/peninsula of the largest lake in East Africa (Lake Victoria),ever green town with trees contending with the tall buildings & along the streets, it is approximately 35 km from Kampala the capital city of Uganda, it is located /positioned on the superiority of Lake Victoria & the principal entry point into Uganda (obviously because it is where the Airport is positioned)- ‘the gateway for all Ugandan safaris is Entebbe. The exquisiteness of this place (Entebbe) as it overlaps the Equator & enclosed by the water of the shores of Lake Victoria with a lot of forests inclusive.

The principal means of transport in this town (Entebbe) is Road transport. In this case you will be able to notice that there exists Boda bodas (motorcycles) which help in transferring passengers & goods from one destination to another, the presence of minivans, together with bicycles that are highly used in the market places. You can also sight travelers riding their own private bicycles all around the area. This is the best city tour one can really get involved in, relish all the unique things therein during the Uganda Safari Entebbe with all its factors inclusive.

Places to visit while on Uganda Safari Entebbe

There is a great total of unique, stunning and spectacular places you can tour on this kind of Safari (Uganda Safari Entebbe) in Uganda. Several tourists/travelers cherish Entebbe town due to its elaborate /elegant accommodation like the Entebbe Botanical Gardens, Lake Victoria View Hotel plus a whole lot more arrangement of beaches along the shores of Lake Victoria in Entebbe. However, there is a lot for you to spot for the Uganda Safari Entebbe & several places to tour as below: –

Entebbe Botanical Gardens

This place came into existence in 1902 and stables on an area of approximately 30 acres on the shores of Lake Victoria. And over time, many years it has won several hearts of several travelers/tourist. Apart from the fact that it is a garden it offers a massive of interesting things to be done there, like getting an opportunity to relax your mind as you walk through the sparkling/lively gardens which will revitalize you with brimming composure/calmness from the flowers along the trails 7 the sounds made by various Birds in the trees.

Entebbe Botanical Gardens also shelters a total of fairly local and exotic species that stay in the swampy areas and the boggy forest within the area. Not only that these gardens also offer a good extract for movie productions, many like Tarzan movies for years were taken from this place, also this place does chain a total of Wildlife species, Ferns, Orchids, Butterflies plus a maximum of water & swamp birds. Also don’t miss out relishing the fishing outings/tours along the shoreline of Lake Victoria among other activities.

Ngamba Island

This is one place/destination you shouldn’t miss out while on your city tour /Uganda Safari Entebbe. It’s a sounding and distinctive place for primate lovers all around the World with a total of preservationists inclusive. This is a sanctuary for the threatened primate species known as the Chimpanzees, it’s not just an Island with white sand and coconuts as they refer to it.

Ngamba Island is 23 km from the landing site in Entebbe, can be accessed by water means of transport, and the boat ride does take approximately 45 mins from Entebbe. This Island is positioned in Lake Victoria, focused safe harbor for disturbed Chimpanzees. This Island is part of the Koome Islands of Lake Victoria and springs about 100 acres of which 98 acres are mainly forested that’s why it is a suitable and conducive place for acclimatizing liberated Chimpanzees from rustlers in dissimilar parts of the country plus raising the baby Chimpanzees after their mothers being killed or taken by the rustlers in various National Parks in Uganda like Kibale National Park,and Budongo Forest in Murchison Falls preservation area.

This Island (Ngamba)is a project instigated by the Chimpanzee Sanctuary & Preservation trust joint with other International Preservation Organisations like the Born Free Fund of United Kingdom, Jane Goodall institute, etc. All the activities done or being engaged in from this Island are subsidized by the Chimpanzee sanctuary 7 Wildlife trust(CSWT). In this sanctuary there are several activities to get involved in like spotting Chimpanzees playing around below the elevated platform from which all travelers/tourists are permitted to relish the Chimp time at this Island (Ngamba).

The Reptile Village

During your Uganda Safari Entebbe this is yet another destination you can relish as you tour this town. This destination is mainly for those who cherish serpents & other reptiles therein. This place (Reptile Village) is another reserve for Reptiles of the Pearl of Africa(Uganda). Reptile Village does shelter about 20 species of reptiles. Touring/visiting this specific destination (Reptile Village) in Entebbe town offers you an opportunity to prodigy at a total of snakes like the Gabon Viper, Forest Cobra, a number of Lizards such as the Monitor Lizards, Nile Lizards, Jackson’s chameleon, the Leopard tortoise and other more from the Reptile world in Uganda and other African Countries. Not only that but still your tour to this place enables you grab an opportunity to get to know more about the good looks that reptiles complement to the nature in the whole world wide and also learn to appreciate the importance of them(Reptiles)in the World. Reptile Village is serves both as a reserve/sanctuary and Educational Centre where tourists/travelers tour/visit to get to know more about the reptile in Uganda and other areas in Africa.

Mabamba Wetland

When you think of watching birds softly then think of the Mabamba Wetland (Birding Experience in Uganda), this wetland does provide shelter to a total of Bird species in Uganda. Here you will get available and enough time watch several birds in this wetland once you walk through it (Mabamba wetland). It is still in this destination where you will luckily get an opportunity to spot the primeval shoe Bill stork.

Once you are on you trip to Entebbe (Uganda Safari) make sure not to miss out on the Boat cruise through the swamp as the papyrus reeds come paving way for your Boat relishing the spots of dissimilar bird species in the swamp. Morning time is the finest to spot the Shoe Bill Stork, it’s when it comes out of its hiding to quest for the mud-fish & frogs for its morning breakfast. Mabamba Wetland does also shelters a total of animals like Monkeys, Sitatunga Antelopes plus reptiles among others inclusive.

Other destinations for you to tour while on your Uganda Safari Entebbe

Uganda Wildlife Education Center is another interesting place you shouldn’t miss out (Entebbe Safari). This centre shelters a maximum of various Wildlife species in Uganda, acts as exposition/display centre for a total of Wildlife species in the different National Parks in Uganda.

Also make sure to tour/visit the several white sand beaches along the shore line of Lake Victoria in Entebbe or more so go for shopping in any of the crafts villages along Entebbe town roads & in the markets as well. Then you can relish the nightlife in Entebbe where you get to explore different night clubs in town, chill on the African Rhythm in Uganda (Pearl of Africa) ,spot the attractive Ugandan women as you relish the cocktails,mock tails & shooters as the night develops.