How Many Gorillas Are in Uganda? Uganda is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and conservationists,…

Kwitonda gorilla family group.
Kwitonda gorilla family group.
A troop of gorillas known as Kwitonda got its name from a dominating silverback called Kwintonda, which translates to “the humble one.” In 2003, the gorillas relocated from Congo’s Virunga National Park to Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park. Tourists might find it challenging to hike at times due to the constant movement of the family group.
It is said that the Kwitonda gorilla family migrated from the Congo due to the great delight other silverbacks had in establishing their own family groupings; a walk to see them may be found between the Sabinyo and Mgahinga volcanoes.
Mountain gorillas inhabit high elevations ranging from 2300 to 4500 meters. In Rwanda, there are two habituated gorilla families: one for research and study and the other for tourism. You may find mountain gorillas in the three nations of Congo, Uganda, and Rwanda.
Akarevuro, a subdominant silverback, became the dominant male in the Kwitonda gorilla family when Kwitonda passed away in September 2012 at the age of 40. The miracle that was Kwitonda’s decision to let other silverbacks in the family group mate—a move that is highly unusual for dominant gorillas—created a strong bond within the group, and today the Kwitonda gorilla family group is one of the largest in Volcanoes National Park. Although it was unusual for gorilla families in the wild to allow mating, Kwitonda’s placid demeanor enticed other males to join the family group.
Because only eight people are permitted to visit a gorilla family each day—and because gorilla trekking is the main reason why tourists do visit Rwanda—there are a total of ten habituated and open gorilla groups in Volcanoes National Park. If you are interested in trekking mountain gorillas in Volcanoes National Park, contact Monumental Expeditions and Safaris to secure a gorilla permit today.