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Discover Kidepo valley national park-Uganda

Exploring Uganda’s most isolated National Park

Uganda is most known of containing approximately 10 national parks which do attract several tourists once on their safaris in difference. And these do include the following highly mentioned as the snow covered mountain Rwenzori to the extent of the savannah grass lands of Murchison falls national park, Uganda features stunning lures, whose total of tourists does fluctuate due to the numeral of factors like obtain-ability, tourist partialities, closeness to the capital city, etc. Kidepo valley National park is noted as the most isolated park in Uganda which is actually positioned in Kaabong district in the northeastern region of the country, having an area of about 1,442 km 2.This national park does lie in a rocky, semi-arid valley amid Uganda’s frontier with Sudan & Kenya at approximately 700 km straight from the capital city of Uganda-Kampala.

Vividly Kidepo expanse was once populated by the farmers & hunters who were formerly called Ketebo in the 1800’s, so later on was periodical by the British Colonial Government as a game reserve in 1958, to perchance protect the animals from being stalked and avert further reimbursement of the bush. The newly independent government of Uganda under Milton Obote as the president rehabilitated the reserve into the national park in the year 1962.

The 2 valley systems whose floors lie between 3,000 ft & 4,000 ft are designed by the 2 rivers of Kidepo & Narus.Kanangorok hot spring is the perpetual source of water in Kidepo valley national park, positioned in the northern part of Kidepo on the borders with the country of South Sudan. The vegetation cover & animal populace does differ between Narus valley and the Kidepo basin and mainly the type of vegetation recognized in this park is open tree savannah due to the rainfall variances.

Bird watching in Kidepo National park

This national park does shelter almost a total of 460 bird species, distinguished of them all are the Ostrich & the Kori bustard, while others do involve Pygmy falcon, Verreaux’s eagle, Abbysssinian ground hornbill, Egyptian vulture, Yellow –billed hornbill, to mention but a few.

Wildlife in Kidepo National Park

Several of the Uganda safaris exists detections of infrequent animal species & touring Kidepo valley national park is a straight way of meeting these and so on. This park does shelter about 80 animal species of which there are some that are not spotted any way else among the Uganda national parks. These are some of the infrequent animal species found in Kidepo valley national park- Bat-eared fox, Hunting dogs, Roan antelopes, Klipspringer, Cheetah, etc. Conversely there are other more animal species residing in this national park like Leopards, Lions, Elands, Cape Buffaloes, Warthogs, Oribi, Burchell’s Zebras, Rothschild Giraffes, Defassa water bucks, Jackson’s Hartebeests, Bush duskier, Elephants, etc.

Accommodation while in Kidepo Valley National Park.

In this park there exists a series of lodges and hotels where one is able to stay while on your Uganda safari to the most isolated national park. It includes Nga’Moru Wilderness camp(Mid-range), Apoka safari lodge that does present the luxury type of accommodation, and under budget we have Apoka Rest camp, etc. Now basing on the fact that this national park is positioned in a distant and remote area, that is why finding where to stay in any of the lodges in this park is tight. And in that case you are then advised/recommended to book early enough once you are preparing /planning to embark on a Uganda safari to Kidepo valley national park. Much as this park is recognized as the most secluded/remote Uganda wildlife park among the 10 national parks in Uganda, it is still highly ranking as the most significant park in the whole of Africa.

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