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5 Fascinating Facts About the Nile Crocodile
5 Fascinating Facts About the Nile Crocodile
A large reptilian, the Nile crocodile is arguably Africa’s most feared predator. And with good reason. One of the very few creatures that humans frequently include on their menus is this one.
Five Interesting Facts Regarding the Nile Crocodile
The strongest bite in the animal kingdom is found in crocodiles. The crocodile of the Nile is no exception. It can bite 15 times more forcefully than a Rottweiler and 8 times more forcefully than a great white shark. However, small, weak muscles used to open the jaws contrast with powerful muscles used to close them.
The maternal care of female crocodiles is remarkable. They protect newly hatched offspring from predators by moving them to a “nursery pool” with their enormous jaws.
The temperature at which the eggs are incubated determines the sex of crocodile hatchlings. They will be predominantly female at 30°C or lower, mixed at 31°C, and predominantly male at 32°C.
Among reptiles, crocodiles are the most talkative. The booming, vibrating bellow of courting males and the “peeping” of youngsters inside the egg are two of over five distinct cries. The female is encouraged to dig the nest by this ‘peeping’.
Large crocodiles consume gastroliths, which are stones. They can better balance their bodies underwater thanks to these ballasts.